Prince Philip’s brutal nickname for Meghan Markle revealed

    Prince Philip, the late Duke of Edinburgh, reportedly bestowed an intriguing moniker upon Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, drawing comparisons to Wallis Simpson, the controversial American divorcée who married King Edward VIII, leading to his abdication from the throne.

    Wallis Simpson’s marriage to King Edward VIII in 1936 stirred immense controversy due to her status as a divorced woman, a union that prompted Edward to relinquish his crown. This historical parallel was not lost on Prince Philip, who is said to have referred to Meghan in a manner alluding to this connection.

    The Duchess of Windsor, as Wallis Simpson became known after her marriage to Edward, remained a figure of public fascination throughout her life, often courting controversy. Prince Philip’s alleged nickname for Meghan reflects his perception of similarities between her and Wallis Simpson, particularly in their unconventional backgrounds and entrances into the royal fold.

    Ingrid Seward, a respected royal biographer, offered insights into Prince Philip’s perspective, suggesting that he discerned resemblances between Meghan and Harry and the historic couple of Edward and Mrs. Simpson. Seward noted Prince Philip’s astuteness in judging character and his tendency to seek the good in people, yet he couldn’t ignore what he perceived as parallels between the two couples.

    While Prince Philip reportedly referred to Meghan as the Duchess of Windsor (DOW) in private conversations, his concerns about her impact on the royal family were evident. Seward detailed in her book ‘My Mother and I’ that Prince Philip harbored reservations about Meghan, describing him as “wary” of the former actress.

    Despite Prince Philip’s reservations, Queen Elizabeth II held hopeful expectations for Meghan’s role within the royal family, indicating differing viewpoints within the monarchy regarding Meghan’s presence and influence.

    Since their decision to step back from royal duties in 2020 and relocate to California, Meghan and Harry have maintained a relatively low profile within royal circles. While Harry occasionally returns to the UK for significant events, Meghan tends to stay in the US, citing safety concerns and a desire to avoid controversy.

    The story underscores the complexities within the royal family and the ongoing public interest in Meghan Markle’s relationship with the monarchy.

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